Picture This Jackson
Picture This Jackson

Photography Classes

Will Resume in January 2025. The schedule is listed below.

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Photography Classes

Please sign up early as space is limited.

Classes schedule will be posted and updated here. Check back frequently for updates and available sessions.  NOTE: Although recommended, it  is not necessary to take these sessions in order AFTER you have taken Digital Photography/DSLR1. The sessions ALL build on knowledge and information shared in Digital Photography/DSLR1.

All regular courses are $40 paid at time of registration. See the course descriptions listed below.

Due to class size limitations, please register in advance.

Winter and Spring Schedule:

All classes are held on Saturdays, begin at 10:00AM and end between 12:00PM and 12:15PM. Schedule is subject to change. Please confirm with the store prior to attending.

January 11,         Digital Photography/DSLR1

January 25,         Digital Photography/DSLR1

February 8,          Digital Photography/DSLR1

February 22,       Digital Photography/DSLR2

March 8,               Digital Photography/DSLR2

March 15,            Digital Photography/DSLR2

April 12,               Digital Photography/DSLR3

April 26,               Digital Photography/DSLR3

May 10,               Digital Photography/DSLR4

May 17,               Digital Photography/DSLR4



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Understanding your New Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera
Understanding your New Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera

Digital Photography/DSLR 1 - Understanding your Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera 

This is a great class for beginning photographers. The session covers the basic camera settings and functions, with emphasis on the exposure triangle and how a proper exposure is made.  Shutter speed, aperture and ISO are the main focus of this session. The basics of depth of field, how to use your meter, and your long term storage options are also discussed.

There will be time for questions and hands-on practice with your camera, so bring your camera, with a charged battery and SD card! 

Getting more out of your Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera
Getting more out of your Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera

Digital Photography/DSLR 2 - Getting More out of Your Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera

With an understanding of the exposure triangle and manual settings, you are ready to add some creativity to your photography.

 In this second class in our series,  you will learn more about camera controls, metering, exposure, focusing, Histograms, and White Balance settings. We will also explore polarizing and neutral density filters and how to use them. 

Take your images to the next level using the techniques covered in this session.

More Custom Settings for Your Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera
More Custom Settings for Your Digital SLR/Mirrorless Camera

Digital Photography/DSLR 3 More Custom Settings

In this workshop, we will explore auto exposure bracketing,  exposure adjustments in the auto modes, and  understanding and changing focusing modes. We will also look at the potential benefits of  back button focus. 

We  take a look at Meta Data, the importance of using lens hoods, shooting in jpg vs. RAW and all about storage cards. 

We will also touch on several tips to getting that tack sharp focus with your camera!

Lenses and Flash Lighting
Lenses and Flash Lighting

Digital Photography/DSLR 4 Lenses and Flash 

In this workshop, we will take a look at zoom and prime lenses, the difference between them, and benefits and drawbacks of each. We will explain focal length, zoom compression, and floating f/stop ranges.

We will take a close look at the difference between Crop Factor Cameras such as Micro Four Thirds cameras and  APS-C  cameras, and full frame cameras, as well as how lenses of the same focal length behave differently on different crop factor bodies and why.

We will also begin exploring flash photography, and provide tips and tricks in properly lighting your subject with on-camera and off-camera flash techniques.

This is a MUST HAVE class to prepare you for your next lens purchase, and to get you started in flash lighting photography.

Photo Walk
Photo Walk

Have fun on location with your camera and get real world shooting experience. This is the session you want for one-on-one instruction time and putting into practice the things you learned in Digital Photography/DSLR 1 through 4. Bring your camera, a charged battery and an SD card with available storage space.  You will take plenty of pictures, and get on-site feed-back and answers to questions. Emphasis on camera settings and shooting basics is the goal. This is a great time for those just learning to use their camera, or for those who simply want real-life practice and guidance. 

This popular workshop is limited to 5 participants so that everyone can get plenty of one-on-one instruction. Check the schedule and sign up early to secure your spot!

You should have a working knowledge of your camera (how to change the shutter speed, aperture and ISO) or have taken at the minimum our Digital Photography class, Digital Photography/DSLR1.

Lightroom Classic
Lightroom Classic

Learning to edit your photos is crucial to getting that professional look. It is also great fun! 

Lightroom Classic is a subscription editing software package from Adobe. You can sign up for a free 7 day trial prior to this workshop HERE. Be sure to download and install the Lightroom Classic app prior to the workshop BUT NOT MORE THAN 7 DAYS PRIOR TO THE WORKSHOP. 

This is a 5 hour workshop. In the morning, 3 hours will be spent exploring some of the basic and most valuable Lightroom Classic tools, working together on provided images. After a lunch break from noon to 1:00pm, you will have the opportunity to work on your own images, using the tools you learned to use from the morning session with guidance and the chance to ask questions and practice while the techniques are still fresh in your mind. You can continue to work on provided images, but we encourage you to bring your own RAW images with you! 

Bring your laptop or borrow one of ours. We have a limited number of laptops available so be sure to indicate you will need to use one of our laptops when you register!

Course Descriptions

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